Sometimes you have to increase the size of the VHD/VHDX file. and FSLogix containers are all based on mounting VHD or VHDX files that are created with a defined size.

See the Reset section below for more details. This means the user creates a new user layer the next time they log on. Repair can only be used with normal Full User Layers while the rest can also be used with the User Personalization Layers or FSLogix containers. The tabs available in the utility are Reset, Repair, Expand, and Compress. Given all this new functionality, I renamed the utility the User Layer Management Utility because it is now about much more than just copying repair files. I have spent a while on updates that include these changes, plus the ability to use the expand, compress, and reset options on Full User Layers as well as User Personalization Layers and FSLogix Profile and Office containers. Several customers asked if I could also add the ability to reset user layers to make it easier for the help desk to do that when needed. Recently, I have been working on the ability to compress user layers.

I covered this functionality in this blog post on expanding user layers. Then, last September, I added the ability to expand the size of selected user layers, which is hard to do with the product alone. You can find the original blog post here. The User Layer Repair Utility supported automation for copying selected repair files to selected User Layer folders.

NetScaler Application Delivery ManagementĪ little over a year ago, I created a utility to make managing Citrix App Layering User Layer Repair files easier for customers.NetScaler App Delivery and Security Service.